These are the results for the Dawn of the Monsters Fan-Art Contest!



The winner of the Fan-Art Contest is @Natsuraya, and the prize is a 9” Megadon or Ganira sofubi figure! Congratulations!

by @Natsuraya on Twitter




2nd Prizes

The 2nd place goes to @SecretKaijuGame and Joey Ovenstone’s entries, and they’ve both won a Dawn of the Monsters poster signed by the whole 13AM team. Check out what cool pieces they submitted!

3rd prizes

3 participants have earned the 3rd prize, which is a code for the epic Dawn of the Monsters soundtrack by Dan Rodrigues. These are for Mr. Earnest, @gfan83, and SpaceDragon14!



Other entries

Lastly, here are some other submitted pieces that we really liked and would like to share!